Martial Arts
Achieve optimal physical and mental well-being with our classes
Master the art of self discipline

We offer Martial Arts classes for children and teenagers. Martial Arts is a very complete discipline of much help in the physical and mental development of the individual, strengthens self-confidence, self-esteem and safety, three essential qualities for a person to cope with any situation of danger.
In our classes students will learn and hand handling techniques, they also be taught ways that will help in self-control and deep concentration. Another part of this class is the handling of weapons such as Bamboo, sword, etc. and personal defense which is introduced to students according their progress in class.

Students Will learn basic instructions on strikes and kicks, with particular emphasis on kicking. The class may also include forms, basic blocks, kicks and strikes, self-defense movements, and cognitive and affective elements.

Kenpo Karate
The system, which came to be known as American Kenpo, was developed by Ed Parker as his specific system and featured his revisions of older methods to work in more modern fighting scenarios
In Kenpo Karate the speed point is developed through muscle relaxation and continuity of movement. The different arms of the body move more quickly if they are relaxed than if they are tense, and just before contact the muscles must externalize all their forces, thus generating power. Kenpo Karate is flexible, with wide freedom of blows coming from any part of the human anatomy. As time goes by our weapons become precise and diverse. Some weapons are more limited than others, for this reason it is necessary to learn and remember in which circumstances to use each one

is a group fitness class thar combines martial arts techniques with fast-paced cardio. It’s a high-energy workout that can challenge beginners and elite athletes alike.

Achieve optimal physical and mental well-being
with our guidance at the gym.
We facilitate smooth social events while you create complete wellness.